Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Nearly two months since my last post. I'll try to do better.

An update on my resolutions: Here's a list of the books I've read so far this year--

1. A Tale of two sisters

2. Baby Trail

3. Arlington Park

4. The Hot Flash Club strikes again

5. Round Ireland with a fridge

6. The Breakdown Lane

7. Theft

8. Swapping Lives

9. The Knitting Circle

10. The Friday Night Knitting Club

The best by far has been Arlington Park, but the reviews on Amazon don't agree with me. The Knitting Circle was a good read, the Friday Night Knitting Club was pretty bad. Both Knitting books for some reason had women with serious illnesses.

More later.

Ooooh, oooh,--The first shipment of the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Sock club is on its way. Pictures promised...

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