So in the past week, I've finished the first fair isle hat. I'm not sure why it turned into kind of a bell shape. Might have something to do with the lining. And can you see the mistake? I didn't notice it until I was putting the ropes on. Oh well! Sorry brother!

And I finished the second fair isle hat. I don't like the puckered top, and it turned out to be smaller than the first one. I really like the tailored finishing on the first one. But I like the pattern on the second one. HRH tried it on, and it fits. So I might make another one for her in acid green and purple, to match her winter jacket. I enjoyed knitting the snowflake hat much more--maybe because there were much less yarn flopping (that's a techincal fair isle term, right?). So I won't be divorcing fair isle just yet.

Then I started a pair of finglerless mitts (pattern from KnitPicks) in some koigu I've had hanging around for ages. Note to self--don't let koigu hang around so long. It's perfect for this pattern! One skein makes exactly two mitts, and it's so sproingy that the ribbing will fit any size hand. Even my fat one! I'm about to finish sewing up the second one as soon as I finish this post, and then I'm casting on for the final Christmas gift--a pair of socks for mum in Lisa Souza's sock yarn--color garnet. Not quite sure about the pattern yet.
So all in all, I'd say it's been a pretty productive week considering I had a bazillion other things to do. And I also started the holiday bakathon this weekend, in which Jenn tries to bake 50 dozen christmas cookies without swearing and throwing things. I've got 13 dozen down this so far. I'm supposed to finish by the end of the week.
Ask me about the year I made 83 dozen.
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