Firstly, and most importantly, there is no reason you should torture yourself with your knitting. Knitting is a hobby and a love, and there is no reason it should fill you with bad feelings. I realized that when writing the last post, and I made the changes.
So the rest of what I've learned will go towards avoiding that problem in the future. An opportunity has presented itself for a baby blanket this fall. I was thinking that a mitred square blanket would solve all of my previous problems. The pattern is simple, yes, but the squares are small blocks that can be accomplished quickly. I'll be using 4 colors to stripe, which means a number of color changes will keep it interesting. I wonder if this will work?
I did eventually finish the blanket, with plenty of time to spare. It's still waiting to be blocked. I also started a sock for the afternoon project. It's one of my Woolgirl sock club shipments:

Crazy colors huh? I'm trying to complete, or, at the very least, attempt each one of my sock club shipments. Otherwise I will feel they were a complete waste. This one isn't one of my favorites, but it's sport weight, and is going fast.
Also on the needles is a new morning knit:

This is Da Man's Christmas gift. A simple top-down pullover in Cascade Ecowool. This sweater is going fast--I'm just a couple of rows away from dividing for the sleeves. I hope to have this done in another week.
On a completely different note, those of you who follow the sock yarn craze may know that there was a humongous "Wangdoodle" as Sheri calls it, over Wollmeise. I've pulled my Wollmeise stash off Ravelry. Call it preventative medicine, but I'd rather not be flashing my stash right now. If you've been following the Ravelry boards, you know what I mean.
Book #34 A Friend of the Family
Book #35 Dream When You're Feeling Blue
Ravelry Stash Count: 60